Thursday, August 23, 2007

Live Free Or Die

"Live Free or Die" is the official motto of New Hampshire, adopted by the General Court in 1945. It is probably the best-known of all state mottos, partly because it speaks to an aggressive independence inherent in the American dream, and partly because of its contrast to the mild sentiments usually found in such mottos.

The phrase comes from a toast written by General John Stark on July 31, 1809. Poor health forced Stark, New Hampshire's most famous soldier of the American Revolutionary War, to decline an invitation to an anniversary reunion of the Battle of Bennington and to send his toast by letter:

Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.
The motto was enacted at the same time as the state emblem

This all leads to my next crazy idea!

I have been assessing where we should be in the next 3-5 years. Originally, I thought Italy was going to be a 5 year adventure, but as I see the kids picking up the Italian and the culture, I think it only fair to give Subasio a chance to have some schooling here so that puts us out atleast three more years. Then the plan was to possibly move to Alaska so the kids could get a bit of outdoors exposure. My dream of Shaolin immersion for all of them might have to be reduced to a year or even less.

An alternative to Alaska and a place that can offer substantial outdoor adventure as well as a rigorous academic environment would be Hanover, New Hampshire, home of Dartmouth and's Second Best Place To Live In America.

To spice it up... why not live in a converted barn? Helen, the good sport that she is, says I can build another Container House !!! so I look in to see how the state of the art Container House architecture is doing. Not Bad. But who am I fooling? This is New England. Better to stick with a barn. So I contact to see what they can offer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kiddy Italian

Jax's Italian:

Red White Green
Rosso Bianco Greeno (Verde)

Butterfala (Farfala)

Aspettando per Sempre

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


So much salami, so little time. When we first came to live in Italy, we bought an whole (Intero) proscuito. I wasn't sure how to use it up and it soon turned green from mold on the outside. I bought a slicer, but it wasn't until I saw the ladies pre- cutting the huge proscuito that I got the jist. Then I saw Leo chunk up pieces into sugo for pasta sauce. Ah ha. That's how you get through it.


So we have been a bit lazy this summer Sagra season. It has been hot! We went to the Bettona Sagra D'Oca twice to make up for it.

Wine Jugging in Bevagna

I have been exceptionally low on my wine supply all summer. I scrounged around and found a jug back in the closet that lasted me a few weeks. 6 bottles to a jug. I had some crappy Lungarotti Falo that tasted really cheap and weak. On the flip side, I found this bottle of Montepulciano della Abruzzo the other night that was pretty darn good. But that was it. My stash was depleted. So off we went to visit Sesto at Dionigi out in Bevagna yesterday to reload some Montefalco Rosso. As usual, I arrange to meet with Leo and Patricia to make the short trip . This time however Leo was unable to come so his daughter Romina substituted. Also Alejandro met us half way as he has now converted over from jugging in Passagio Di Bettona. Our next jugging trip might be to Toscana to find the much coveted Brunello Del Montalcino.