Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Enterprise

So here I am on the East Coast with Fred Romley and Dave Sarver.

We stop by for a little R and R at Atlantic City before we head down to our nation's capitol and then off to the the Air and Space Museum in Dulles. Meanwhile Imadoodoohead is telling the world that Iran has no homosexuals.

Then it was back to Fred's new apartment in NY to look at a little shopping Helen had shipped to Fred for me to bring home.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Gli Studianti

Matteo's first day in Asilo Renascita. Mom is taking the picture. Jax is in his class next door and dad is holding Suby outside the window.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


This moment is even bigger than baby's first steps. All babies walk around 12 months, but ahhhh biking!!!!!! is different. Jax is smiling ear to ear and so is dad.